Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
A serial / series hybrid is much more efficient than an ICE -- because the electric motor is so much more efficient than the ICE. It is about 85-90% vs 5-20%. And the clutch and transmission only lower the ICE's efficiency.
ug, the series hybrid has BOTH an ICE and a motor AND a generator to boot.
Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
The serial hybrid motor has a fixed load, at a fixed torque.
and I can keep my stickshift within 90% of peak load, so? if we get to assume a bunch of technology updates then I get a direct drive/no extraneous meshing top gear for my hiway (range extended) vehicle.
Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
We have several known examples of serial hybrids: diesel/electric trains are serial hybrids -- I wonder how it is they can move a ton well over 400 miles on just one gallon of diesel?
dude, it isn't a hybrid, it IS diesel, it runs steel wheels on steel rails (low RR) and is very aerodynamic. They don't make 5 speed transmissions big enough to propel a train is why the drivetrain is like that.
Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
and it got ~80mpg in charging mode.
Neil, c'mon now, you are venturing into overunity land here. They are playing serious word games.
"An on-board petrol engined generator offers enough electrons to run continuously at motorway speeds without depleting the battery"
"After delivering the energy to the battery system the mileage translates to around 80mpg "
I think they mean a wall-charged battery in combination with the 250, though the 80mpg part is very unclear. but with a word like "translates" sitting there, it is so not clear what they are trying to say. Remember how popular gm was when they claimed 230mpg for the volt? And everyone called BS on it?
The question here is what is the most efficient use of petrol, and I think the inefficiencies of this petrol setup are being masked by throwing in other variables like electric wall power. If you had to sit in the driveway and recharge the battery with the engine to where it was before you left, you would not see 80mpg, you would be lucky to see 30mpg. Obviously this would be stupid to do with a wall outlet there, but lets at least try to compare petrol use to petrol use?
To me it is obvious that electric has short range covered (say 40 mile radius), and that is %90 of a typical vehicles life. if you are serious about being efficient with the petrol then why not save it for a purpose built hiway device where most batteries cannot reach? In fact you probably already have a working petrol vehicle in your garage right now, and could cut down petrol use very dramatically by adding a clean and simple EV for commuting, etc.
But lets not hide inefficient petrol use behind high hp numbers, parroted misconceptions, deceitful comparisons, or other consumer tricks.