One of my planned mods, are to refit lightbulbs to LED's.
In my country we have to drive with lights on at all times.
Now - the headlight can't yet be replaced with LED's but side lights, backlights and also the numberplace light can.
In my view - every little detail counts - a watt saved is a watt gained.
Also LED's live much longer than ordinary lights, so changaing to LED's along the way as the old bulbs burn out is going to contribute to lower the long time cost of the car.
Today I had a burnt front side light bulb , so I changed those two to leds. Saving: 9 watts.
All in all, by changing the lights that are on constantly when driving, I can reduce the load with:
2 x front sidelight á 5 w - > 2 x0,5 w = - 9 watts
2 x Backlights á 21 w -> 2 x 2 w = - 38 watts
1 x numberplate light a´1 x 5 w - = - 4,5 watts
Total: 51,5 watts (allmost equivilant to one 55w headlight)
Blinkers, brake lights etc. are not a priority, as the are not on constantly, but will as a matter of princple be replaced by LED's as the old ones wear out.
I don't expect this to show up in FE as such, but in my mind every little detail adds up. ½% here - ½% there - in the end it sums up to something noticeable.
But offcourse - one day with a heavy foot can ruin it all