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Old 03-22-2008, 09:41 AM   #31 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Big Dave View Post
What is the metric for the health payoff of these regulations? Reduced hospitalizations? A longer life expectancy? What are the American people getting in exchange for diesel fuel costing 70 to 90 cents a gallon more than unleaded and diesel vehicles being robbed of 4% of their efficiency. (If you are a fan of Al Gore, et al, this reduction in efficiency reads out in greater CO2 emissions, so that is another price of these regulations.) Is there a metric of the benefit like we had with lead, or is this like the ozone thing where the payoff is uncertain and many decades into the future, or is it (as I suspect) a sacrifice without payoff?
If diesel emissions aren't a health risk, would you mind taking a big whiff of your exhaust? Take a couple big whiffs every hour of every day for the next 5 years and we'll see if there are any effects. You say no cancer. I say cancer. It'll be fun, we can see whose right!

Increased price of diesel coupled with decreased efficiency will lead to a decrease in CO2 emissions. How? Logically, people are going to use more thriftness on that which costs more. If diesel costs more and you need more of it to drive, you'll probably put more thought into your driving habits...

- LostCause

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