diesel trains have steel on steel (about 15 times less rr than car wheels) and ARE aerodynamic, you can add many cars (tonnage) with little relative .penalty. Facts are facts.
Mini cooper, as I said, doesn't add up, there are no details or explanations of the test conditions, or how it would do on a long boring flat hiway trip. I also don't believe everything I read from someone with something to sell either without any validation and especially if it doesn't add up. But I absolutely certain that it CAN be beat on that range extended boring hiway trip by a choice engine driving a wheel, no if's ands or buts about it. But at an alleged 200 mile range, a lot of folks don't hardly needs a gas engine, which is the stupidest thing about it. Anyway, we don't know what they mean by 80mpg, how much is hiway, how much is wall power, how much is B.S., etc.
FVT is MPGe, which is not MPG, which is part of the misinformation and the problem with trying to mix power sources. see also: Doug Palmear.