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Old 01-20-2010, 10:19 AM   #49 (permalink)
Out of my mind, back in 5
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Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard View Post
Diesel/electric trains -- proven because they are more efficient than anything else. They are almost 3.5X more efficient than trucks.
Yeah, they are 3.5X more efficient than trucks... As long as you haul the stuff to the train by a truck... And in that same way of comparing stuff it's 100% more efficient to carry all the stuff around by yourself with your own arms... Uses nu fuel whatsoever...

Apples and oranges... Many diesel-electric locomotive also has electric tenders (i think that's the word for it in english) because if you where to try to start a large loaded train from a standstill on the electric power generated onboard by the diesel, the efficiency is in lack of actual numbers, best described as useless...

The diesel electric is meant to be able to go on both electrified and none electrified tracks and yes, it rather efficient as a standalone, but not to anywhere near those figures quoted above... Comparing the diesel electric train to a roadgoing hybrid of any kind is like comparing it to a prius with a 50+ mile extension cord... Not a fair comparasion at all...
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