Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
Hi Dave,
Serial hybrids have batteries (and/or supercapacitors), and this is the basis for their strong advantage over ICE only vehicles. You can't compare serial hybrids to ICE only and ignore the electric mode -- this is why they are used, and it is why they are so much more efficient.
The corollary argument would be to insist that the ICE-only car has to use just one gear for the whole test. Hey, it wouldn't be fair to let it use it's transmission, because the serial hybrid only has one gear!
I'll take a serial hybrid with a discharged battery and you take an ICE and drive it in one gear and we'll see who gets better FE, okay?
Yes and no... If you take into account that the car is needed to go beyond the range of the smaller EV's an hybrid is a lot more efficient than a standard ICE car... I'm quite certain nobody here made any counter claims, so why drag that into the comparasion?
An EV is more efficient on small range than an ICE by far... And I doubt the hybrid does that much better than the EV if even the same...
As for limiting comparasions, then disengage any and all regen braking, as that is by your defentition an unfair advantage... We where supposed to compare overall performance and efficiency right? Not the efficiency of the windscreen wiper... So compare the car as a whole, like you yourself said...
A electric/ICE hybrid (series or paralell) makes a half effiecient EV and a better than half efficient ICE (or a good one with a boot full of unused stuff)... Compare the EV part to a good no compromise EV (EV1 or RAV-EV) and the ICE part to a good no compromise highway specific ICE car (can't think of a good example, sorry) and they come up short...
They are a compromise, and they will always suffer from converting losses, that's a given... How much can be argued and compared, the fact that there are losses cannot... However, right now the best compromise on the road is a Prius...