I'm an advocate of the "see what happens" approach, but unless you have another use for the ethanol you separate, then it seems like a gigantic waste to do all of the time (and (where) would you dispose of it responsibly?). I hate the fact that an irresponsibly wasteful fuel has been mandated based only on politics... but in terms of performance I can't say I've seen much of a reduction in FE from the use of E10...I've actually achieved some of my record tanks (aside from economy run competitions) using it. There are probably several other variables, and I certainly haven't been driving for 20 years, and I've only been paying close attention to my mileage for about 3 years.
My suggestion is: if you work in the same place every day, and there's no reason to believe you will lose or quit the job anytime soon, then I believe you should live within biking, walking, or public transit accessible distance from work. Then the actions of those who have the power to impact fuel (price, subsidies, composition, etc) will have far less of an impact on your life.
My goal is always to try to minimize the potential negative impact anyone/anything has on my life...which I guess is anyone's subconscious goal, but I think sometimes people could think about it harder/more often. Much time ranting and complaining could be saved.