99LeCouch, I know how you feel. There are many reasons I would never buy a new Sentra SE-R over my old 93 B13, from inferior engine (SR>QR), to inferior suspension design (beam axles???), to heavier weight, to the fact the newest Sentras look like taller, narrower Altimas.
And most of all, the price! $1900 for my old SE-R with 188,xxx miles and still running strong!
Originally Posted by luvit
really, 99% of dealers suck. maybe 99.99%
I love being a car guy and talking to salesmen who don't really know anything.
I once had a dealer try to tell me the intercooler on a Subaru STI was actually the radiator, that "they put the radiators on top the engine on these cars for better cooling!"
Ignoring that obviously silly reasoning, I simply pointed to the actual radiator and asked, "then what's that?"
He stuttered a bit then walked off