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Old 01-20-2010, 09:48 PM   #134 (permalink)
Grrr :-)
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Join Date: May 2008
Location: Levittown PA
Posts: 800

Cherokee - '88 Jeep Cherokee
90 day: 19.44 mpg (US)

Ryo-Ohki - '94 Geo Metro Xfi
90 day: 50.15 mpg (US)

Vger 2 - '00 Plymouth Grand Voyager SE

Ninja - '89 Geo Tracker
90 day: 30.27 mpg (US)
Thanks: 12
Thanked 31 Times in 25 Posts
well lets do some math. gas is $2.54 a gallon I currently get max 47mpg so one gallon will take me 47 miles or roughly 5.4 cents per mile

if I can get the factory 58mpg on gas without ethanol (a big if mind you but theses XFI's are KNOWN to tickle 60mpg without trying very hard)

now I am paying $2.54 for .93 gallons (wawa gas is 6-8% ethanol) at 58mpg thats 54 miles on .93 gallons. I think you can already see I am ahead on this or roughly 4.7 cents per mile.

so IF I get the full mpg I should on the ethanol free gas THROWING AWAY 8% of the fuel will actually SAVE ME 7 cents every mile. per tank that means I will gain 74 MILES in range per tank.

Lets not forget the maintenance savings. No more dying fuel pumps. I have already replaced the fuel pump in every single vehicle I own except the metro all AFTER the switch to ethanol. Sorry 8 fuel pumps is more than "coincidence"

lets crunch some REAL numbers

40,000 miles per year at 47mpg means I will spend $2161 in fuel this year

if I got 58mpg THROWING AWAY 6-8% of it that comes to an adjusted figure of 54mpg $1881 a year in fuel. I will SAVE $280 a year by removing the ethanol.

IF I could actually BUY non ethanol fuel I would spend $1751 a year or a savings of $409 per year over 10% ethanol.

in my VAN or my JEEP the COST of ethanol is close to $1200 (jeep) and $1800 (van)

NOT counting the increase maintenance requirements invoked by ethanol usage.
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