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Old 01-20-2010, 10:13 PM   #136 (permalink)
Grrr :-)
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Well its fuel injected so that would be a lot harder I imagine (ECU issues) plus ethanol hurts other parts of the fuel system (such as the fuel pump)

Interesting idea though! I am especially intrigued by the run the lawn mower off it though I use electric mowers. Still Its interesting. I wonder if I can make a genny run off it. trick would be how much damage would the "water" do to these things since thats how I would remove it.

They make stuff to "dry" gas when its water penetrated. Would that work on ethanol or is the fuel dryer just alcohol and it works by combining with the water? ie would not work so well in ethanol?

I have an old alcohol stove around here somewhere. I will have to try and find it and see if it will "burn" it. would make good fuel for my sail boat for cooking etc..

if the engine was PROPERLY tuned for running on ethanol I imagine it would get what other E85 etc.. cars get.

I would prefer to find a way to USE IT rather than throw it away. But first things first. To find out IF its the cause of my lower FE :-) hopefully this weekend I will get a chance to try making a batch and "see what happens"
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