Originally Posted by bikeracer
You mentioned having built a kill switch. How'd that work?
Badly. The dash lights up like a christmas tree, and the engine tries to re-start if you're going fast enough and your foot isn't on the clutch. I have parts in the mail for a better system.
Or maybe the answer you were looking for is: Splice in a 3PDT relay where the fuel injector wires leave the ECU.
Originally Posted by bikeracer
What sort of bicycle do you have that has/had a relay on it?
2008 Iron Horse Triumph with DIY 12V illumination system. The bike was cheap, and it's good enough that I can keep up with my cycling club, even with the rack for my saddlebags, my 5lb lead-acid battery, 3W LED headlight, and obscenely bright LED trailer taillight.