Originally Posted by cfg83
dcb -
This sounds like your are hinting at your separate "range extender" solution. If you were the hybrid king, how would you integrate/de-integrate a range extender? I don't think a hitch-on range extender would work from an automaker POV, but I can imagine an engine (and fuel tank?!?!?!) that could be "rolled into" a lowered trunk area via a detachable gurney. I think the average joe *might* accept a 30 minute installation/de-installation process, if his/her usage of said car allowed for maybe one install/de-install per week.
Drive the electric version until you need to take a trip, then go to the range extender rental place and have them swapped in 5 minutes, pick up your battery pack when you return and they get their range extender back.
Rent the pack not the car. Much cheaper.