Robert /Puddleglum / luvit / the scangauge looks neat, but I already have the instant and average mpg display on the stock in-dash info display. I do enjoy watching the instant mileage number increase as I drive, especially coasting and watching it read up to 99.9 mpg
What do you use your scangauge for? You're right in suggesting that the other realtime info could be amusing though. I already have some software that acts as a generic OBDII reader. This software also allows me to delve into the code on our 2.0L turbo Jetta's ECU. Of course, I proceed cautiously when getting into core functions. In fact I've "discovered" a few code changes that make some interesting mods to the car. One specifically is now featured in the manufacturer's website, although they didn't give me any credit
. I can't use this software for anything substantial on the Mazda ECU though. I have had my eye on the
Cobb Tuning AccessPort for a while. This seems to monitor even more engine functions than the scangauge, and is a performance tuner as well. It is more expensive, but if I can use it to tune for better mileage, it might be worth it. Still, $695 is a pretty big pill.
99LE / Robert, I have thought about that drving method too: accelerating more quickly to desired speed in order to spend less time accelerating and more time cruising. I think that was advised by Motor Trend (?) not too long ago, but I'd have to work on the execution. It seems quite similar to the driving style that was getting me the bad mileage in the first place
Puddleglum, this car is only available in manual 6 speed. And good point about the octane rating. I wonder about dropping down a few octane points as long as I'm not using boost. It normally runs at 9.7:1 so it might take a little experimenting to see if it likes a new diet.