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Old 01-24-2010, 10:44 PM   #135 (permalink)
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Yeah, the charging right now basically sucks and is a pain in the butt. Enginer is supposedly coming out with a new balancer that controls the charger and dc to dc in early February. I'm hoping this fixes things.

There is definitely a sizable increase in FE while using the kit. I haven't really been able to do much testing due to me and my wife driving the car all the time. However, I did take my first long trip (over 400 miles) this weekend with it. I filled up before leaving and turned the kit on. By the time the kit ran out, after about 55 miles, I was @ 56 mpg. After that, the mileage dropped down and I ended with a 48 mpg tank over 300 or so miles. I filled up for half of the return trip (mostly 60 mph cruise control driving), and the tank is right now at ~43 mpg. This is roughly what I have been getting lately (mid 40s) with the Prius in winter. So, it appears that the kit is giving me roughly a 20% boost while its on.
Current project: A better alternator delete
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NeilBlanchard (01-24-2010), roflwaffle (01-25-2010)