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Old 01-25-2010, 11:42 AM   #30 (permalink)
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@ Arrgonis - I'm not shure yet. My last tank of fuel yielded dissapointing results, so I have now removed the heat reflecting material from the intake to se if that helps / improve things.

ECU / enginemanagement systems are complicated things. If you change one parameter i.e. intake temp - the ECU will change 5 or more other things, as the ECU will try to find the optimum burn mix of air / fuel to reduce emmisions and optimise the catalyst converter to its optimum temp.

Normally cold air will give the engine more oxygen, thus increase engine effenciensy, as you can induce more fuel pr. air unit, thus adding to the enegines performance and lowering tourque a bit.

Engine might take longer to warm up - not good for FE, and depending on the engine type and ECU it might also have an influence at the burn.

I think, that one should try and see what happends.

As you run a diesel engine, I belive it would improve your FE, but I cant say for shure.

Diesels normaly are made without the restiction of a throttle valve, thus having a greater airflow all the time.
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