I posted the following question in the following thread but don’t want to hijack it further so I am reposting here:
Any interest in developing an open source fuel economy gauge/computer?
My apologies for a small hijack of the thread, but I am looking for some advice that is highly topic related. I have been looking to get into microprogramer like devices for quite a while now to do projects like this. I have a degree in Mech Eng and have taken classes in Electronics (analog) and some limited programming. I am looking for a good book or some websites that can get me started. I am not totally oblivious to the subject but have a couple of questions already.
Are they all programmed in C or C+ or do they use other languages and how do you know which one? Or is it all done by a compiler/assembler program?
I see different types like PLC, PIC, AVR, what are the differences and are there others?
Are they all burned with the same devices or is it manufacturer specific.
Some setups look like more complete boards than just chips, what are the differences/advantages?
I’m sure there are other people reading this thread that are highly interested in it as well and have similar questions. Maybe these sources/answers might be better replied to in a new thread in the “Off Topic Tech” section if someone is willing. Thanks