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Old 01-26-2010, 04:07 PM   #66 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by tasdrouille View Post

Draw your own conclusions, but my point is injuried people and dead people are a huge societal cost in lost productivity alone.
Clearly, higher speeds = more kinetic energy = more likelyhood of death from a collision when one happens. And, depending on motorist skill and condition of the vehicle/road, an increase in potential for collision - but, it looks to me like people going somewhat faster than the posted speed limit appear actually less likely to be involved in a collision than those going right at the limit. Am I reading wrong?

But that graphic right there illustrates to me that people driving more slowly than the "flow" are more likely to get into a collision in the first place than even real speed demons.

So, that being said, we need to not just point fingers at speeders but also at slowpokes, not to mention people driving unnecessarily slow often infuriate "normal" drivers around them, provoking those infuriated to make stupid moves in an attempt to get around the congestion - I see that every time I choose to drive to work, inevitably at some point there will be 2 doofus' going 10mph under the posted speed limit on a perfect, clear sunny day, next to each other blocking dozens of cars behind them - and the first chance they get one of the drivers stuck behind 'em will make some sort of fast&furious move to get back up to a speed that respects everyone else's time & sense of urgency.

I have a solution to this problem: "slower traffic keep right" then when a police officer encounters someone failing to keep right while holding up traffic, the punishment for the driver should be to stand in front of a "slower traffic keep right" sign and stare at it for 6 hours, no breaks, no looking away, no cell phone.
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