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Old 01-26-2010, 05:10 PM   #69 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Bozeman, MT
Posts: 248

Daily Driver - '02 Pontiac Grand Prix SE
90 day: 18.45 mpg (US)
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I honestly don't care what the speed limit is. In AK, its 65 on the highways. I did 70mph. In MT it's 75mph. I usually do 70-75mph (unless I'm sick of driving back to this middle of nowhere hole, then it's 85mph). If they decide to make the limit 55mph, I'll move. Or I'll never visit anyone outside my state. I can't dedicate 2 days just to drive to the coast. That's wasted time. I have no interest in the points between me and family in Seattle or Portland when that is my goal. This isn't an expedition. The road isn't dirt and the sights along the route are not amazing. When I can afford to fly there instead, I will. But for now I refuse to make a 12 hour drive longer.

So I guess I do care what the limit is. It'll determine whether I travel or not. If lowered, I'll stop traveling long distances by car and ditch my car for an EV instead. Now that gets the gears turning!
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