Originally Posted by bobert5064
Not sure exactly what you mean here, could you elaborate??
I was reading about more and more people trying to have the RTD-Eplorer on board (Ben, Jack). I could imagine people to want to add some of their own functions there. So if You could define a plugin API and a button to start that added function people could add their own piece of code without the need to make the controller Open Source. Stupid examples, but a personal welcome message for the passengers, a stopwatch, a button to distinguish business travel from personal use... anything ...
Originally Posted by adamj12b
Why is it you want to be able to change the frequency anyways?
My controller is also IGBT based and it seemed nice to play around with a few other frequencies like 2 4 8 16K (asuming that is what by dividing the mask for the counter would be capable to add easily, I wasn't aware of the memory in use though, does the 168 has the same amount of memory ? (I had plans to add a cruise control once I have the car driving and street legal)nah I should check the specs.. nvm).
Originally Posted by adamj12b
What is happening when you try to boot-load? Once I know exactly what is happening I will be able to direct you.
I open the .hex file (I check marked crc and also selected the crc version of the 8K firmware. So far the connection seems fine with the RTD-Explorer as I can see the activity and can change parameters. When I select Load form the bootloader menu the yellow control light goes off and then nothing happens. No indication of any activity. Now I have been eeprogramming 68HC11's in the past so I know it can take a while (also with verify on) but after 10 minutes or so there's still no change as I understood that there would be a reset now at the end with the latest version. If I power down/power up the controller board the old firmware is still there (1.7).
But ... let me try this on my desktop as well as I am a little suspicious about the usb-rs232 interface that I am using (my laptop does not have a serial port anymore).
thank you for all the replies