Originally Posted by moonmonkey
if you could spin an alternator or two, you could hit the feild power with a switch for a "slowdown mode" it would present low drag until you turn the feild on ,but the friction losses from continually spinning them would probably be a wash, and i dont know how much power they would put out alot of them are 100 amp output on old v8's just a thought.
Given what work brakes do, riding the engine braking, with even more drag of big alternator is bigger brakes...svae brakes while getting something in return.
I do not know this subject, only what I read here.
I do so much local, starting the old 23 year old airplane (subaru) with a carb is a long wait sometimes. It is way worth the value beyond injection pretending everything is ok to go right away , but, the electric stuff is interesting.
I am still mid 30s mpg even at 20 freakin below.