Hey people of ecomodder, long time no see...
Anyone remember me saying that I was having a really bad vacuum leak or a messed up throttle position indicator because my car was acting horribly crappy for a LONG time and I was getting really frustrated with it?
Well if any of you do... Its fixed

The story: Driving to restaurant to eat with my girl friend and all of a sudden my power steering goes off, luckily my car doesn't weight too much so I freaked out a little but it wasn't really a problem
Got to the place, ate, and when I went back out, turned the car on, look under hood, saw that the belt had fallen off
Took it to the shop to get one put back on...
ALL the problems I was having was from the freaking tentioner thing that holds the belt tight, it was actually broken and not spinning, go figure

so the belt would still spin, but just would take a lot more to spin resting on a thing that's not spinning...
So now my car doesn't shake NEARLY as bad, it still shakes a little because the idle is a little low, will turn it up as soon as I figure out how
***Only bad part of the story is that my Over drive is actually broken, dont know why but its out so highway is no fun anymore, if anyone knows why it would go out let me know, my grandfather said OD is all vacuum so maybe I DO have a vac problem
I would say I hope to see a MPG improvement but with that OD out I have no idea what will happen to the MPG