Originally Posted by Lazarus
How come your not using the EBH? I see on your last tank you only used it 4 times. Is it because you have to get up early or you don't have a garage. I know you can't use it at work but they make a huge difference on the short commutes.
At work is the only place I can use it...no viable plug in location at home right now. The only excuse I have for my limited use of the EBH at work is...lazy.
I'm at work 10-12 days over two weeks...so that would give me 10-12 opportunities to use it. My last tank I used it 4x in 15 possible days...so yeah...I'm being lazy.
The plug in setup at work is a hassle...if you look up my personal thread on my Prius I detail the process I go through to plug in (pics included) which involves actually running an extension cord down the side of the building from the second floor.
Bottom line...I need to get motivated! Work is sucking the life out of me right now...5 or 6 days a week for 11-12+ hours a day. I can tell you this...when I'm driving the car I'm hypermiling my tail off. I have seen some very good mpg runs on my commute given the temps/snow...and I've only used the heat in my car 4x since November!