OK, Got it, clock template thing is a strict section from a circle, your Fig 2 template is not, it is relatively flat towards the back. Still, when you apply even this 2.5:1 teardrop template, it flies in the face of reason to use it by putting it "under the wheels". I have overlaid it (Gold shape on top of the BMW) onto the Beemer as an example.
What do you have to say about scaling these templates down to match the curves of the roof?
It seems to me that the limiting factor is getting the air to try and pull past 22°, the end of your tear drop template is very close to that.
It still seems you are creating a far to conservative "go-no go" by scaling the template to go under tires/top of roof.
Also, I'm not rebelling, I just want to educate myself as much as possible. I am also inherently a skeptic, meaning if it doesn't quite make sense to me, I really want to get to the bottom of things and understand it in principle. I really don't take "That's just the way we do it." as an answer. I'm sure you understand that.
I am so grateful to have found this forum where these aerodynamic ideas are bantered about. I have learned a ton in the past month. I really want to understand why you don't think the template should be scaled to match the roof line.