...OK, did a second SGII tank fill-up "calibration" and it was MUCH closer this time, even though it was a 'short' tank--only 7 gals into 13 gallon capacity.
...this time, SGII indicated 7.2 gallons while the pump read 7.011 gallons, which the SGII indicated as a +12.4% offset (a reduction from first calibration of +13.7%).
...I'm thinking "...third time's a charm..."
...any 2009-2010 Vibe 1.8L (2ZR-FE) automatic owners here who can confirm this value?
THUMBS UP! -- 3rd tank: SGII said 9.7 gallons used, tank-fill was actually 9.736 gallons...close enough for me!
Last edited by gone-ot; 02-15-2010 at 10:14 PM..