Originally Posted by Bow
Thanks Chaz...
I think I need to figure out a Cab extension/wing next... that should be quick and easy... (famous last words...  )
John Gilkison threw one together for the T-100.
It was a C-shaped plywood base laying flat across the front bed bulkhead,extending 18-inches back along the top of the rails.
The two sides were plywood skinned with hardboard and routed to accept Plexiglass window on passenger side,angled at 7-degrees and tilted in to approximate the tumblehome of the cab roof.
The top was just a simple plywood shelf which extended from below the 3rd brakelight straight back 18-inches.If you laid a straight-edge off the back of the cab roof,down to the top rear edge of the "shelf" that angle was around 12-degrees.Wood gussets provided rigidity.Drywall screws held the whole thing together.House paint kept it alive for years.
No attempt was made to provide a curved skin or any complex shape at all.
Not real pretty but the air was okay with it.
Fuel records indicate that it performed as Texas Tech had reported.