Thread: e-bike update
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Old 03-24-2008, 12:47 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MetroMPG View Post
Otto - that's a really good suggestion about keeping the batteries warm.

EV builders who live in cold winter climates often insulate, or insulate plus heat their batteries to avoid the winter effects of cold temperatures on battery chemistry.

Batteries don't do well in very high heat either - in the peak summer temps, it might also make sense to bring them inside, if the building is air conditioned.
I don't have an electric bike, but rode one last summer for about 100 yards, so take my suggestions at face value.

That said, seems to me that quick-disconnect batteries in a lunch-pail type box would be handy to lug into the house or office for heat or recharge. I dunno what type batteries are needed, but know that on my BMW motorcycles the factory brand batteries suck, bigtime: Too fat, too heavy, too weak, and too short-lived. Yours for ~$100 a pop. Odyssey batteries are ~1/2 the weight & size, ~2/3 the price, and last ~3 times as long. Somebody found Panasonic batteries at a mail order electronic supply house in WI or MN that are said to be even cheaper, around ~$50, with very good reports. I dunno if such would be suitable for an electric bicycle, so chime in here, please.

Seems to me, the future commuter vehicle fleet includes some sort of streamliner enclosed bike, powered by the ever-elusive new high-density battery that the experts have promised " another 5 years" (for the past 40 years). With a streamliner design and such batteries, range and speed would be radically improved, plus being out of the weather, protected somewhat in a crash, and being able to show up at work not smelling like a goat.


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