Look, we're talking about overhead loads that in any other car forum would not even be understood, much less considered. I mean it is a hoot to see some of the ... "DOGMA DEBATES" ... advocated by camps of diesel, aeromodders, hypermilers, EV or others instead of just kickin' off our shoes, listening and having a gab-fast sharing facts and data.
OK, now I'll have to ban myself for a couple of days while the usual suspects have a field day. One last thing ... a tale of 'great expectations.'
A newbie poster visited another forum with some technical questions about his NHW11 Prius. Since he is up in Tenn., just 3 1/2 hours away, I volunteered to come up next weekend and help. His next post was:
Are you a "certified technician?"
So of course I apologized that I was not a "certified technician" and only had 5 years of self-maintenance of my NHW11, the full shop maintenance manual set (dog eared and dirty pages) including the wiring diagram, a Graham scanner (able to read engine, hybrid vehicle and battery controller codes), my own tools, a spare inverter (the part he was replacing) and photos of when I removed my inverter to get to the gap between the transaxle and firewall. I guess he thought that forum was populated by "certified technicians" who were anxiously waiting to answer his every question. <SIGH>
Well I might as well go stand in the corner now ... banging my head against the wall (not bloody likely!) Time for a break since my workload has picked up. I'm looking forward to hearing the 12 V plug-in experiment results.
Bob Wilson