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Old 02-02-2010, 09:39 PM   #17 (permalink)
Matt Herring
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Originally Posted by orange4boy View Post
Hey Matt,

Do you use your EBH religiously? I was wondering what was the max temp they get the coolant up to.

I'm experimenting with transaxle preheat and was wondering about the effectiveness of the different options for the engine.

Orange: I recorded some temp data over the past few days to give you an idea of start up temps using the EBH and not using the EBH.

Day 1: Ambient temp 28 degrees. 4 hour EBH time. Temp settled at 92 degrees on start up.

Day 2: Ambient temp 16 degrees. No EBH. Temp settled at 30 degrees on start up.

Day 3: Ambient temp 12 degrees. 4 hours EBH time. Temp settled at 56 degrees on start up.

As you can see the EBH is generally effective in mild winter days (20-30 degrees). In frigid temps (12-16) there is not a huge difference in start up temps. However, I did notice my engine temps climbed much faster in 12 degrees ambient temp when using the EBH than not using it in 16 degrees ambient temp (it took me 2.8 miles to get to 150 degrees without the EBH and 1.9 miles to get to 150 degrees with the EBH).

The highest I've ever seen my engine temps get to on start up was about 130 degrees but it then settled in the 100 degree range...ambient temps was around 40 degrees.
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