Hi Bicycle Bob. Thanks for the reply.
Originally Posted by Bicycle Bob
Developing new materials will keep you in the garage until you forget why you started.
What new materials are you referring to? I'm looking through my post and the only new material that I wrote about was the spray on solar cells, but I'm not developing that material and stated that I would consider a solar upgrade in the future, meaning sometime after the vehicle is built.
Originally Posted by Bicycle Bob
I'd recommend two front wheels, because the aero works much better, and you can steer under hard braking. Skids will save a delta from overturning, but not from going straight into a collision.
I've considered the two front wheel configuration for quite some time. And every time I find myself leaning (pun haha) towards the two front wheel configuration I keep remembering the Zap! electric cars and motorcycle trikes and meter maid three wheelers and the millions of auto rickshaws in Asia.
Thanks for your opinions. I look forward to any other comments you or the other ecomodders have.