Hi again Bicycle Bob, Thanks again for the great reply!
Originally Posted by Bicycle Bob
I was thinking of the foam and bamboo panels, but on closer reading, it sounds more like an assembly. Still, you are specifying a lot of cutting edge stuff, and that tends to take a lot of time to buy and learn to use well.
Yeah! Doesn't it sound exciting? That's all part of the adventure. Figuring out things work together to achieve a goal. And when the actual travel part of the adventure starts I can say that I built this thing with my own two hands and a lot of advice from cool people like you.
Originally Posted by Bicycle Bob
You might want to read "Structures" or one of J.E. Gordon's other books to help save weight by canny design and appropriate use of materials.
I am Definitely going to find this book. I've been wanting reference material on building with appropriate materials.
Thanks again!