Originally Posted by luvit
listen.. i;m not the expert, but i just wouldn;t do it. there;s been a couple people that commendably wrote-in to say they regret it. -- it cost them their transmission.
i was doing engine on coasting in nuetral in my old accord since late september.
i got a new timing belt in september. my new belt is starting to squeal since december.
it;s very rare i engine on coast, now.
I need to address this, because I feel that it could be misleading to anyone who doesn't know any better.
Your timing belt is not affected by whether or not you are coasting with the engine off, on, or otherwise. Your timing belt also does not squeal. Squealing is a sign of belt slippage. If your timing belt were slipping, your engine wouldn't be running. Period. Full Stop.
Also - You won't lose a transmission using EOC in a manual. They're designed to be splash lubricated, and some part of the transmission is always churning fluid when the vehicle is moving. In case nobody noticed, he "bump starts in 5th gear." That means he's got a clutch.
I also recommend a kill switch. If you're bump starting correctly, it won't cost you a cent in clutch repairs, because the clutch will still last the 5 years it's supposed to. If you're screwing it up, prepare for a repair bill. There is mention on this site in several threads about the proper shifting technique and clutch starting for manual transmissions. If you're unsure about how you're currently doing it, I suggest you read up and avoid a head ache.
Those things said, EOC will help any time that you have more space than you would travel by just letting off the gas. Pulse and Glide (what you're describing) usually won't work at higher speeds, because aerodynamics tends to eat a big chunk of your engine's output just trying to accelerate. If you're noticing higher numbers on your eco-meter, chances are, it's working for you, but not everyone will see those same results. [I know I freakin' didn't... :'( ].
By the way, in case nobody said it yet, as always, no matter what the situation, YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary.
Nobody's going to have the same experience you have, so your best bet is to do some research, form an opinion, then test it yourself. Nobody will be offended if you don't just take their word for it here. We're all adults. Most of the time.