Their are more differences in the weave patterns other than looks. Fiberglass is available in the same weaves as well. Sometimes CF is woven with glass or aramid to get the desired properties (strength, cost, looks). Glass, CF & Aramid are also available in different grades, stronger grades are less stiff.
The main difference is in workability of the fabric. A standard 1x1 won't make a compound curve worth a darn. It's good for flat or 2D curves. You need larger spaces between the yarns to make compound curves.
One of the main reasons most people don't use FRP is the time & cost associated with the tooling involved to make molds.
I certainly agree about practicing with glass until you know what you're doing. If you're not careful you can end up with a very heavy part when doing wet layups.
As far as safety & tool ruining, Pros wear Tyvek suits, masks/respirators. They almost universally use air tools with vaccum hoses attached to them, or at least hold the hose near the surface to remove the dust.