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Old 03-24-2008, 02:53 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by diesel_john View Post
longer is in the right direction.

the slower trucks go, the more trucks we need.
That might be an answer in some parts of the country, for some roadways, but I drive on I-75s most dangerous section. I've seen several dozen tractor trailer wrap ups collecting others in their wake with single trailers, following too close at 5-10mph over the speed limit. I've been stopped twice in the last 12 months less than a mile from my exit for over 3 hours on both ocassions while they cleared burning tractors and vehicle they in turn collected. A longer vehicle would only add to our miserable traffic metrics down here. I've all but quit driving I-75, even though it's a shorter and quicker route. Probably a few tenths less efficient as well.

The fleet drivers of UPS/FedEx and such have been trained well. I see them yeilding plenty of room, and maintaining safe, economical speeds. I commend their efforts and cannot imagine a more time sensitive service.

Sure, we all want our fresh meats and produce, but do we really have to have the foriegn made plastic, aluminum and pot metal trash that every department store gets daily that quick? I'd submit we all need to look at our utilization that drives JIT demands before adding one more vehicle to monitor.
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