Red, I don't know how much of a difference it makes, but not only is the water going upward, it's also gonna be hit by air molecules at highway speed, which makes it curve more that what the water is. So *maybe* it will push it enough to hit the tip of the windshield. Otherwise I'm not certain. The angle definitely gets steeper at the tip. If that wasn't there, maybe it would work with the sun-visor.
i will try to incorporate a sunvisor of some sort into my design, i sounds like a practical idea.
That, and you get less sun in your eyes

I'm thinking theres no one that makes one because wranglers and the like don't really... have a roof to mount it on... If you could clip it on the windshield part at like, the sides it might work. I don't know. it's sorta tricky with a roofless suv.