Originally Posted by alohaspirit
50% of truck owners dont haul stuff 
Well, when I went looking for a "new to me" vehicle, I have a sports car, the wife drives an SUV.. I figured, might as well have a truck...
It hauls stuff occasionally... stuff I don't want to put in my Sports car or SUV...
And it is my Daily driver...
It is like saying 80% of exotic sports cars owners never actually DRIVE their cars...
Originally Posted by Christ
And I'm going to go ahead and say that from the cab roof to the edge of that wing is not 12*... more like 7 or 8, maybe.
Yup, looking at it this morning, it seems that the angle is a bit off from my calculation... probably due to the "rake" of the truck, or the slight "Forward" angle of the mount it is sitting on... but it is aluminum, and the grain is running fore and aft to the truck, so I can always bend it to get the angle without it cracking...
Originally Posted by aerohead
There is a chance that a "vortex street" can setup around the wing causing cyclic bending.If that occurred,over time she'd develop fatigue fractures around the mounting hardware.
Just something to keep an eye on.Simple bracing can change the frequency of the panel so that's an option down the road if needed.
The aluminum looks good.And you'll always have a means to slice apples and cheese.
I'll keep an eye on it Phil, thanks for the insight...
Any ideas on the side deflectors for it?