Thread: e-bike update
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Old 03-24-2008, 05:30 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Iron Horse (retired) - '97 Iron horse Intrepid

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Originally Posted by Otto View Post
Nother question: How much power does this setup make, compared to the output of a really good cyclist?

I'm really asking how well this propulsion system might do on a streamliner fairing. Your thoughts and insights appreciated.
The bike is in the garage and we don't really have winters here. A few day around 30 then back to the heat. I keep it in the garage so it not that big a problem. But the few days when it was mid 30 I could tell. Summer will be interesting(90-100+) and I'll have to see how the batteries last with the heat but yes it would be easy to take the batteries inside.

It added about 3-4 mph to the top speed more or less. It's a compromise. I was fairly fit not in racing shape but fair. The added weight defanately slows you down but overall you can go faster with out killing yourself. My commutes are fairly long and it helps. I live with rolling terrain and on the longest commute can take about 20 minutes off the time. The biggest advantage is against the wind, dead tired or if you have to run to the store you can just hop on it and not be sweating when you get there.

That is the biggest advantage that I have found. I really did not realize how many short trips I take in a day(under 10 miles). That's where the bike shines. Trips under 5 miles there's really not in time difference between bike and car. So I can save the auto for the longer trips thus getting the FE out of it.

I do need to try an experiment once the weather gets a little better and I can consitantly ride try taking the kit off and try riding with out and see if my speed has increased due to all the extra weight I'm hauling around.
"Judge a person by their questions rather than their answers."

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