This is about a charger capable of charging a traction pack. It can be onboard or homebound. It can be made as big or as small as you want. It can be a simple 1kw or as big as you can find inductors for.
Im am working on a 17Kw one. This will obviously need to be fed by a large AC circuit at home, but away, i will be able to be turned down to accommodate for smaller, less capable circuits.
The only problem right now is 11 cell (12V cells) lead battery pack is about all you can charge off a 120V outlet. You might be able to get 12 cells, but you are getting to the rectified voltage of the outlet and will get a slower charge.
A PFC/Boost circuit is in the works to improve this range and allow high voltage packs such as my 90 TS Cells (288V) to be charged from a 120V outlet.