Originally Posted by aerohead
If you'll go to "FLOW-IMAGES" Photo-Gallery-2,on the second row,you'll see your car in the wind tunnel under smoke.
If you'll notice,the flow is actually separating a smigeon over the hatch.
If I were to do a tail,I believe I'd decrease that angle a bit.
Darin put the Insight under the first template and you can see that the back of the car is a little too "fast."
I agree with the others about gently curving the tail.It will be stronger.Because of that she can be lighter.And she'll aerodynamically superior.
The template can also be used to help design the sides.
I see what you mean about the slight separation over the hatch. Does anyone have a larger format picture of the template that I can use?
I would like to overlay this template in a CAD file and generate a matrix of X-Y moves for this curvature. That way I can place the Insight sketch in the CAD and overlay the X-Y coordinates over the tail of the car to design a best-fit extension.
Thanks for posting the underside angle of your extension. I will plan on going at least this steep in angle. The compound angular shape of hatch and by the wheel skirts will just make the design that much more interesting to work out. Similar to art.