Originally Posted by aerohead
I wouldn't go over 7-degrees on the side.The air there is moving slower than that air over the roof due to the windshield dividing the airstream.
All curvature must begin almost unnoticeably at first,growing steeper as the flow slows and regains pressure.
This is the reason for the templates.They can be used for top and sides.
I think this is contradictory to my memory (which wouldn't surprise me, lately.)
Is the side flow slower, or faster? Logic seems to say that with a faster flow, the angle should be shorter, because there is more kinetic energy keeping to flow following a constant direction, which would suggest that a more shallow angle is necessary in a higher speed fluid environment.
Please, correct me if I'm wrong about this, or if you have some information that suggests otherwise?
Also - If we use the same teardrop template shown on an overhead view of the truck, where do we align the widest point? At the widest point of the truck, or at the aft edge of the cab?
Bow -
I'd listen to Phil before myself, if I were you. He's got ALOT more experience and years in the field.