Originally Posted by Piwoslaw
Like it's not only about pure calories, but also how they are delivered (correct ratios of fats, sugars, proteins, etc.).
Or keep your diet but lose the spare tire
That's cute, but in that case, there is still excess that is being used.
What do you do when all the "spare tire" is gone? Now you have to start eating more to sustain the same energy level that you would have had just from burning fat stores, right?
So, when that comes to pass, the point still becomes relevant. You still have to buy more food and consume it to bike, as opposed to buying fuel for your car to motor.
Fuel for fuel, there probably are instances where it's actually cheaper to run a car, even if you don't consider the actual impact of each fuel source.
Remember, food takes more fuel to make, deliver, buy, and consume than fuel does.