So for a while, I've been wanting to DIY an electric razor style scooter. My goal of this project would be to make an affordable, extremely light and compact scooter with decent performance for its size.
I've worked a little bit with electronics, but have never attempted anything of this type.
To make it light and compact I'm trying to use as many RC parts as possible.
Parts list:
-Razor Pro scooter (about $50 and can handle a full adult easily)
Turnigy 5AH 18.5v Li-po battery (~93 Whr's)
Turnigy 900W electric motor (more power then I need. I plan to run it at 250-400 watts full throttle).
So now I'm not sure what else I should buy. I'm not very familiar with speed controllers and throttle controllers. I see some 250 and 350W electric scooter speed controllers on eBay, but I'm not sure exactly how they wire up.
Any tips or advice would be appreciated. And just so you know, I'm fully aware that with the battery and motor that I won't get very much range. 4 miles max according to my calculations. I could always rig up a second battery to get up to 8 miles of range. This project is meant to be fun, not necessarily practical for day to day use.