Cost per trip commuting options
After acquiring a Scangauge, I wanted to find the best way to drive to work.
Route 1: 18.2 miles with around one stoplight, all highway at 50 to 60mph
Route 2: 14.0 miles with six stoplights, 1/3 highway, 45 to 50mph
Route 2 takes 10 minutes longer than route 1 due to stoplights and traffic.
Results after two weeks: Taking route 1, I can average 41mpg with little effort. Cost per trip was always over a dollar, though, from $1.03 to $1.21. Taking route 2, my average is closer to 37mpg, but my cost per trip is from $0.91 to $1.03.
I'm surprised that the results so far show me it's better to take the route with more stoplights and traffic to minimize cost. It will be interesting to analyze this more closely with more controlled driving and without winter conditions.