30 is doable...
I have a 2007 Town and Country LX(3.3L). I'm averaging 24.2 in mixed use over the last 4 months. I always use 87 octane. Tires are 44psi(max), no rrof rack, and I feather the pedal like there's an egg between my foot and the pedal.
I commonly get 26.4-27.4mpg on highway trips(I10 FL-AL-MS). On Easter Sunday I took a trip to have Easter dinner with the parents, wife and two kids were in the van. I had to take a state road with a speed limit of 55. Knowing this I reset the OEM trip computer as I left my house, drove 62 miles. When I returned home that afternoon the trip computer said I got 30.3mpg. I really babied the pedal but I did get 30mpg.
Last edited by charliel; 03-25-2008 at 10:11 AM..