Originally Posted by pgfpro
Christ I figured out the other day I could duplicate my mods if someone all ready had a civic/del sol with a 1.6L vtec for around $5500.00
But this would have them doing the engine R&I. In today's economy that's a chunk of change 
And that already makes it over a $10,000 car in most cases. "The Sun"'s are fairly expensive in most cases, especially for one worth working on.
I'm not saying that it's not important for some people to go ahead and mod and never think about immediate return on investment, but for some of us, it's a priority, or at least something that needs to be seriously considered before approaching a mod.
I've done things that will never pay me back monetarily, just to say I did it. I mean, when will $3,000 in rock climbing gear get me anywhere? When I'm stuck in Borneo on a cliff running from a boar?
It's also important to remember that the money you spend now is an investment. At CURRENT PRICES, you may never get paid back, but guess what?! Fuel is GOING to get higher. It's not for debate, it's going to happen. And when it does, your payoff time for money invested at today's rates gets shorter, shorter, shorter.