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Old 02-09-2010, 09:37 PM   #4 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
Join Date: May 2009
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 389

2003 Ninja EX250 - '03 Kawasaki Ninja EX250
90 day: 78.57 mpg (US)

Saturn - '99 Saturn SL1 Base
90 day: 47.27 mpg (US)
Thanks: 25
Thanked 58 Times in 37 Posts
GM is probably bouncing off the walls right now trying to find a way to talk this car down.... in GM fashion, they will probably have a commercial with the LEAF creeping to a hault on a deserted highway and the volt driving on by....

GM will be kicking themselves in the butt when they realize how well the public will love the Nissan Leaf, and how the GM EV-1 could have captured that audience.
Doing my part to reduce dependence on OIL
Doing my part to reduce congestion
And enjoying it!

If you have to use your brakes, you are driving too fast!

My 101.5 MPG 2003 Kawasaki Ninja 250

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