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Old 02-10-2010, 12:31 AM   #16 (permalink)
Semi-serious ecomodder
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Ohio
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ooo I forgot my most recent one. The day before my avitar was created by a dear ha ha. Anyway, on my way home from visiting family I took an off ramp, it was 32 degrees according to my cars thermometer and it is raining. Anyway the ramp said 20mph, I always do at least double what they say, anyway there is a car in front of me so i figure im not being reckless and after all this off ramp was long with a slow curve, I entered the ramp at 55 and noticed that the ramp was more of a compound arch that was getting really sharp, then the car in front of me starts sliding off. I go oh **** and tap the brakes, then I ended up in a perfect 70-80 degree drift at 50 miles per hour on an icy offramp- pretty cool until the guy infront of me suddenly got control and swerved violently back in front of me and I had to hit gravel and mud to avoid him. Then we are both stopped completly backwards and he just gives me a wave and continues without asking is your car ok or anything. What a dick.
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