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Old 02-10-2010, 05:01 PM   #20 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
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Two come to mind...

First was on a camping/climbing trip. It was last oct' about 8pm, on the way to a camp site. I was following a sat-nav and it basically said to stick on the motorway for another 40miles, so i did. I wanted to get to the camp site quickly (Before the minibus with the rest of the group) so we (me and my co-driver) decided to cruise at 80mph, whereas the minibus was limited to 62mph.

We were overtaking quite a few people, probably due to the weather (Dark, hard rain - even with wipers on full speed- a bit windy) when i asked what the buzzing sound was. Glanced at rev counter. 5.5K RPM. Did i forget to shift up into 5th? Nope. Glance at sat-nav. Disbelief. Glance again. Swear repeatedly. 96mph.. Oops. I slowed to 75mph for a bit, then stopped at a service station to relax before continuing the journey at/under 70mph.
I still managed approx 43mpg for that tank though! Pretty good for a fully loaded 1.1L, i think?

Second moment: more recently i took a medium size roundabout a touch too fast (35mph i think) changed gear - into 4th - slipped when i grabbed the wheel again and accidentally jerked it, so it turned tighter. I straightened the wheel slightly and lifted off the throttle. The back end of the car lost grip, and slid a good meter to the left [Damn lift off oversteer]. I counter-steered and lifted off throttle more - Big mistake-. The car straightened up. Then, due to the snap-back of the suspension went to throw the back end even further to the right. I counter-steered again, and panicked; hitting the brakes hard.

The car did a complete 180', the back right wheel bounced off a kerb and stopped, the front right bounced UP the same kerb and sent the front right wing into the conveniently placed metal barrier! I ended up FACING the traffic that was coming off the roundabout. Oh, did i mention that said roundabout was going onto a dual-carriageway. At 8.30AM on a weekday. Yes, it was busy. Somehow the guy behind me avoided my spin. Somehow i avoided anybody else. Scared the hell out of me though. Weirdly enough, the airbag didnt go off, but the airbag warning light is no longer constantly lit..

Last edited by vinny1989; 02-10-2010 at 05:03 PM.. Reason: Cant spell
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