Two come to mind...
First was on a camping/climbing trip. It was last oct' about 8pm, on the way to a camp site. I was following a sat-nav and it basically said to stick on the motorway for another 40miles, so i did. I wanted to get to the camp site quickly (Before the minibus with the rest of the group) so we (me and my co-driver) decided to cruise at 80mph, whereas the minibus was limited to 62mph.
We were overtaking quite a few people, probably due to the weather (Dark, hard rain - even with wipers on full speed- a bit windy) when i asked what the buzzing sound was. Glanced at rev counter. 5.5K RPM. Did i forget to shift up into 5th? Nope. Glance at sat-nav. Disbelief. Glance again. Swear repeatedly. 96mph..

Oops. I slowed to 75mph for a bit, then stopped at a service station to relax before continuing the journey at/under 70mph.
I still managed approx 43mpg for that tank though! Pretty good for a fully loaded 1.1L, i think?
Second moment: more recently i took a medium size roundabout a touch too fast (35mph i think) changed gear - into 4th - slipped when i grabbed the wheel again and accidentally jerked it, so it turned tighter. I straightened the wheel slightly and lifted off the throttle. The back end of the car lost grip, and slid a good meter to the left [Damn lift off oversteer

]. I counter-steered and lifted off throttle more - Big mistake-. The car straightened up. Then, due to the snap-back of the suspension went to throw the back end even further to the right. I counter-steered again, and panicked; hitting the brakes hard.
The car did a complete 180', the back right wheel bounced off a kerb and stopped, the front right bounced UP the same kerb and sent the front right wing into the conveniently placed metal barrier! I ended up FACING the traffic that was coming off the roundabout. Oh, did i mention that said roundabout was going onto a dual-carriageway. At 8.30AM on a weekday. Yes, it was busy. Somehow the guy behind me avoided my spin. Somehow i avoided anybody else. Scared the hell out of me though. Weirdly enough, the airbag didnt go off, but the airbag warning light is no longer constantly lit..