Originally Posted by stonebreaker
Oh, so you're reversing your position now?
No, you made the secondary point, that you're introducing ridiculous suggestions.
I haven't reversed my position, and because of infinite expansion, the mass would also become infinitely dispersed, which would then not stack up and create back pressure. Inside a vessel in which the flow could not expand infinitely, it would have to maintain a positive flow of direction toward the path of least resistance (simple fluid behavior), and since expansion occurs toward the path of least resistance, the fluid would expand in all directions until it met a barrier, being the wall of the tubing and the exhaust flow coming against it from the backside. At that point, it would use the rest of it's internal energy to expand toward the exit while flowing in that general direction as well.
The less energy the gas has to spend expanding to fill the vessel that it's been introduced to, the more energy it can spend flowing toward the path of least resistance, which is open air. Expansion is NOT what you want, flow velocity is what you want.
IMO, you're still just arguing circles so that you can seem like you're right.
This discussion isn't going anywhere, so I'm not going to continue it.