Originally Posted by Buxton
Thanks man, it's a 1998 Cougar (New Edge) MTX, 2.0 Zetec. The only thing I've changed is accelerating a bit smoother and rolling to a stop in neutral. The car rolls a lonnnnnnng way, I think it's really aerodynamic.
nice, a buddy of mine has that car, he doesnt hypermile it...but hes slowly asking tips for beter MPG, so maybe he'll start one day!
i know that rolling to a stop in neutral can let the car roll a long way (or in your case a lonnnnnnng way hahaha

), but if you leave it in a higher gear (lower when the car isnt as warmed up), it actually cuts the pusles to the injectors, and therefore ur not using any gas, but the trans/eng is slowing the car down alot more...
have you tried to use smart braking at all for the lights that are on your route?
Keep up the great job man!!