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Old 02-14-2010, 03:24 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Old Tele man View Post
...doesn't anybody remember any of the "...lessons..." from Viet Nam anymore?

...both military (I was there) and civilian "exaggerations" of combat "kills" and "successes"?

...the same people exist today.
Exactly, if people knew how facts and figures come to be made, especially in government offices they would, well, be appaulled. The news and figures even in very legit offices have very little accountability and even a small agenda can skew data and news to show something different.

I have no paticular love of oil but I do not like to see a fictional crisis causing profit mongering as a method of reducing demand for it either. I would prefer to see people on their own learn about the benefits of conservation and local food, organics and alternative energy/fuels.

My only hope is that people wake up and do stop using oil as much as possible so we can maybe regrow local economies, farms, etc. I don't think the political will is there to regain some of what made our society what it once was.

I think politically there is still too much interest in big money, not in actually doing the right things to benefit the countries people. AKA occasionally doing the right thing in the wrong way for the wrong reason.

Ah well, we really need more grass roots to get into congress, people with no affilliation to the current set of special interests. Heck even an Andrew Jackson like president might do us some good, clear house if you will.

Hopefully there isn't too much unnecessary suffering caused by misguided agenda.

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